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    December 10, 2019

    How Far Would You Go For A Dog That Isn't Yours?

    After all these years in the pet industry I have handled many many animal first aid issues. Bite wounds, mouth bleeding, bloody poop, insulin shots...and the list goes on. No one said it wasn't a messy business! I recently learned...

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    December 5, 2019

    My Dogs Are Overweight

    During a recent vet visit, it was determined that two out of my three dogs are overweight. Now this isn't a surprise, I had noticed it myself and had already been researching some weight control dry food. If you've had...

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    October 29, 2019

    ANOTHER Backyard You Can Hear?!

    If you look back to my prior blog titled "A Backyard You Can Hear" you learned that there are some odd things that you can find in people's backyards. Things that you can hear before you can actually see. I...

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    October 24, 2019

    Is Your Dog A Speed Eater?!?

    We all know that dogs LOVE food, any and all sorts of food for the most part. A large percentage of pups have a normal eating behavior, meaning they eat slow enough to properly digest their food. But what happens...

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    October 20, 2019

    Happiness From A Tree?

    A happy and sweet experience always occurs when you least expect it. At least for me, and until I actually started writing these little blogs I didn't realize how many of these I actually get to be a part of....

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    October 17, 2019

    The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...

    Along with all the good and happiness that comes with owning a dog (or dogs), there is always a bit of sorrow that will happen at one point or another. Any time your dog is sick or an injury occurs...

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    October 11, 2019

    Can I Give You A Pizza?

    In this day and age, a small kind gesture goes a LONG way. It's the ones you least expect that makes the biggest impact. I had such an experience last week and this is how it went down... While I...

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    October 10, 2019

    The Dog Jumped The Fence!

    I'm always one of the first people a client comes to when they are having problems with their pups. Most of these dogs I am with on a daily basis so I guess it makes sense for them to ask...

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    October 4, 2019

    The Day My Dog Star ALMOST Died

    We've all had our pups get sick from something at some point in their lives. Most of the time it's easy stuff like ear infections, skin issues, maybe an infection. You never think it will be something dire....until it is....

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